Pumpkin Carving time. We had alot of fun. We may not have kids but we dont let that stop us from enjoying the holidays. We are both kids at heart. So these are the pumpkins we picked out on our trip to the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago. I am really happy that halloween falls on a Monday. Only non parents will agree with me. But seriously I am happy to pass out candy on Monday if it means i can still go out and party on Saturday haha. Last year Halloween was on a Sunday so we got dressed up and went to have a few drinks at a local bar. We had a good time even if we had to work the next day. Still i felt bad for not passing out candy but who wants to stay home to do that on a weekend night? Not this chick okay!
Gabe busy at work- creating a jack skellington jack o lantern
Pumpkins are so ooey, gooey and messy- haha tapatio on the table
trying to scrape out my pumpkin
Im a dangerous women with a knife- on second thought that was a spoon. lol
This is the design i chose for my pumpkin
And Gabes
End results
Gabes best pumpkin ever!
This was taken with the Candles lit and and the lights off but you cant tell- Oh well
Satisfied Pumpkin carvers.